Friday 12 September 2014



Recently, it was National Suicide Prevention Day. 
(September 10th)
It is great to see so many people raising awareness of suicide as it is most certainly very serious. 
However, I have also noticed a lot of people doing otherwise. It came to my attention when I was reading a news article about a suicide, where people were stating their own opinions (of course) which is totally fine! However, these opinions were about suicide, and how it is a "selfish act".
I really wanted to comment on this, because suicide is a real concern in todays society. It's something that we need to be aware of for ourselves and others around us. 
To me, suicide is not a "selfish act". To feel so much pain and wanting to end your own life because of it, is not selfish. You've got to be in a deep, dark place to end your own life. I believe people who claim suicide to be a 'selfish act' are indeed selfish, as they are thinking of themselves rather than the person who's suicidal. Of course you're left with pain and heart wrenching sadness, but are you not thinking about the pain the person is feeling to end their life? 

Just because there is a national suicide prevention DAY, does not mean you can't ask everyday if someone is okay.
The organisation 'R U OK' helps you educate and raise awareness about suicide. If you feel as though someone you know is having suicidal thoughts but you don't know how to ask them, visit this website:
If you yourself are having suicidal thoughts, please talk to somebody. You are not alone and there IS help, I promise. Don't be afraid to speak up. 
It's starts with you.

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