Friday 1 August 2014

Bellabox- affordable beauty products delivered to you


Want to try out beauty products but don't want to or can't afford each single item alone?

 I stumbled across this Australian site called 'Bellabox'. I'd heard many people talking about it online and noticed many advertisements on sites such as Facebook. I checked out the reviews, which were very mixed. So then I read up on the terms & conditions (yes, I actually read them!). 

Basically, it's $15 per month and you get around 5-6 sample products (sometimes even full sized products) to try out. There is no contract, you can pay for a month and if you don't like it, you can cancel. Otherwise if you don't cancel, a monthly payment fee comes out each month and your Bellabox is sent! 

So far, I've paid and received 3 months of Bellabox - so 3 boxes of items. And so far I've loved them all! The July one was my least favourite, only because it had mainly nail items in their, eg. nail polish and I'm not a big fan of doing my nails as I usually bite them (I know, bad habit). 
One of the boxes I received a full sized Garnier BB cream! The BB cream itself is $14.95 AUD, and also in the same box a bonus magazine at the price of $9.95 AUD. I think it's awesomely priced as the box itself is $15 per month and 2 items in the box cost more than this! (Plus the other 3-4 items!)

I'd highly recommend this if you're into beauty products, and sampling them before purchasing especially if you're on a budget. 
It's also a surprise, sometimes Bellabox give you hints of what you might receive, sometimes you get a theme of what the box might be, so it's all a surprise! I love receiving my box and opening it with excitement not knowing what I'll get, but knowing it's worth it.

But even better guys, for your first Bellabox purchase, you get $5 off! So you get your very first box for only $10 with awesome beauty products inside. 
You also get tracking and shipping information so you know when your box will arrive.

Sign up here!

This is not sponsored. 
Giving you hints & tips on affordable products and sampling before you buy.
I pay for my Bellabox each month with my own money.

Images from

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